Piedmont Guitar Orchestra

Spring Rehearsal Dates: 3/11, 3/18, 4/1, 4/8

6:00-7:30, Choir Room, Dana, Guilford College


Tuesday, 4/15, 7:30pm, Carnegie Room, Hege Library, guilford College, free admission

PGS Community Play-In’s Fall 2024

Open to all ages and levels for the purpose of sharing music and practicing performing

9/14, 10:00am, Kathleen Clay Edwards Library

10/26, 10:00am, Kathleen Clay Edwards Library

12/7, 10:00am, Greensboro Cultural Center, 


Tuesday, 11/19/24

PGS Community Concert, Carnegie Room, Hege Library, Guilford College

PGS Community Play-In

Saturday March 16th, 11:00am

Kathleen Clay Edwards Library, Community Room

1420 Price Park Dr, Greensboro, NC 27410

All players and level welcome! Join us for an opportunity to share your music

with peers and the local guitar community.